Snow White

The basic story of ‘Snow White’ is about a a young girls step mother who is extremely vain. On a daily basis the evil Queen/ step mother asks a magic mirror, ‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall,  Who in this land is fairest of all?’ Usually the mirror would say the Queen is the fairest of the land until one day the mirror tells her that her step daughter, Snow White, is now the fairest of the land. This sends the Queen on a vendetta to kill Snow White and this is where the poison apple comes into play. The Queen ends out poisoning Snow White but the poisons spell can be broken with true loves kiss. After she has been poisoned the Queen believes her to be dead. A prince one day is strolling through the forest and comes along a beautiful dead body. He kisses her and she wakes up (he is her true love).

My film starts from the point where the prince kisses her and she wakes up but instead of following the fairy tale vibe it is going to take a twisted turn

Grimm 053: Little Snow-White . 2018. Grimm 053: Little Snow-White . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2018].

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