Peer Feedback Questionnaire


  1. What is your gender?
  2. Rate the Trailer. (out of 5 stars)
  3. Did you notice anything wrong with it?
  4. What did you like about it?
  5. If it was made into a film or TV series would you watch it?
  6. Can you think of any improvements?
  7. What genre would you say the trailer is?


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A Chat With Elena

Elena watched my almost final film.

My film is a trailer to a film or a TV series and at the end I have these titles which make it more of a campaign not a trailer. I am now going to remove the titles as I don’t want to create ambiguity.

When the title comes in she believes the music needs more base to bring the whole f[ilm together. I think this idea is a bit cheesy but I will talk to Fin (who created the music) and see what he thinks.

The very first scene you see, Elena didn’t notice the hologram guy at the beginning of the film, so I have made the hologram brighter and the background darker.

The scene where a guy has his hands up in surrender could have a red tint on it to stick with the recurring theme that I have in the film.

Elena isn’t too keen on a frame where there are people sitting on the floor looking at a hologram screen. The people are smiling and she thinks they should be sighing and showing pain and thirst. Elena said it isn’t necessary to change it now but isn’t a massive worry. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to re-shoot so this scene will stay the same.

I then started talking to Elena about how I hate my film as I have watched it so many times. I would do the whole thing completely differently. For example:

I would re-write the script as I think the voice over is cheesy. Elena said I could re-record the audio. She says there is a lady who works in the college tuck shop that has a very good voice that could bring more darkness to my film.

Elena also mentioned that she thought this trailer cold be a marketing piece that is used to sell the idea to a company, to then be produced into a series. Honestly that idea makes me feel ill.

A Chat With Fay

Fay watched a draft of my film. It was the first time she had seen anything on screen. She thought this perspective of watching something with very little knowledge was very interesting. Here are her thoughts.

Fay said this shot looks too positive compared to the film. It is too bright. Therefore I darkened the shot and made it a darker red. I have kept the shot red as I have a reoccurring theme of red.

Fay then said that the film would be on the big screen and the original writing would be too big so I made it smaller. I also put the poignant words in red to also continue the red theme.

Fay said to leave space at the beginning of the film as it starts very suddenly. I decided not to do this. Personally I think the quick start catches the audiences attention.

In a scene where the characters are sitting looking at a hologram scene one actor looks into the camera. I changed this so that it is the same set up but a section of filming where the actor doesn’t look into the screen.

I sped up a lot of the running scenes otherwise the running looks slow and less urgent, the running is to build tension, however I had sped up one running shot too much and it looked comical.

The shot near the end wth the guy with his hands up is too dark and blocked colours. I changed the colour grading on it to make it less block and more realistic.

Fay liked the title which was good as I spent ages on it.

The voice over is very bad quality and needs to be re-filmed.

Drugged POV Effects

For one scene it is filmed in one-point perspective. I wanted this shot to represent the side effects or the drugs. I have two ideas. The first to have a glitches look and the other to have a glitches look with colours floating around.

Here is the final edit for the glitches look:



Here is the final edit for the glitches and coloured look:


I spoke to Troy and Michaela. We spoke about the shapes and decided that the shapes need to be larger and different kinds of shapes. I can’t decide between the plain glitches edit or the coloured edit. I think I will decide at the end of the process.

Here is the progression of editing:

A Chat with Elena

I asked Elena to read my script and to help me improve it considering it is a first draft.

We talked about how I don’t need to colour code the script.

She also told me that reading a script is like a book. This means all the information about the editing and the real names of places I will film in is un-necessary.

For every new location I need to make it a new scene.

She was happy that there isn’t too much dialogue as we all know dialogue in a film students work can be the downfall.

For all the characters in the scene I need to provide a description.

The voice over is actually going to be Idris’s voice we decided otherwise it would’t make sense it being another person; especially when the film is from Idris’s point of view.

Focus Group 01/05/18

Members of the group:

  1. Troy
  2. Freya

I got Troy to read through my script and one scene we have issues with is where I say water is being poured into a glass but half of the water misses the glass.

For me the scene represents wasting water before it became a limited resource.

Troy’s opinion on the scene is that it makes sense but seems out of place amongst all of this other footage.

So we started discussing different ideas we could replace the scene with.

  • A bath tub being filled to the top- this scene would be very wasteful in itself. The plus side is that if I added bubbles I could get some artistic shots from lots of different angles.
  • A water fight- it would be hard to not make the fight seem faked. It would represent waste clearly.
  • Reverse and slow down the pouring of the water into the glass footage- easy to do and is effective. But, as Troy mentioned earlier it the footage might seem out of place compared to the rest of the trailer.
  • Collect multiple news footage talking about drought and put them into a montage- could be suspenseful and tells the issue to the audience clearly. This idea has been done so many time in the past.