FMP Idea #3

  • Set in the future.
  • Dystopian setting.
  • Homeless look.
  • Fires in bins.
  • Timelapse of a long gone world.
  • Drugs have taken over.
  • Welcome to the new world.
  • Scientific advances.
  • Altered carbon vibe/ 3D vibe.
  • On drugs aura.
  • War.

The world has very little water left so wars started and now people are fighting to survive. Drugs were created to become supplements, but they have nasty side effects for some. Its either dehydrate and die or take the drugs.

Narrative could either be a day in the life without water.


I could create the first episode to series where it introduces this new world:

  • The war on water.
  • The effect of the water supplement drugs.
  • The way people live now.

Inspiring Pictures:

Here are some derelict looking places that fit the kind of location I would like to use. Graffiti is something I would like there to be a lot of.



This kind of location will have a lot of hazards and I will need to take equipment to clean it up, just so that there is space to film.


I like the idea of water being on the floor however this is something that would not work with the narrative of water running out.


Here is a picture of Altered Carbon (A Netflix Original) In the series they use lots of bold neon colours which I could use as one of the aesthetics for being on the water drug.

Here is a scene from Divergent, the people in the frame are called factionless and the way they are dressed is a costume design I quite like.

The people in frame have a homeless or poor look at first glance but taking a closer look I see a more futuristic look. The people’s posture is very confident where as homeless people might cower from the camera and eyes of others. I also like the smoke in the scene.

FMP Idea #2

Basic Story:

A girl commits suicide, but no one knows why.  This is the secret that holds her back.

When she has died she goes to this black place where it seems as though she is the only person there, she hears an ethereal voice that asks her heaven or hell, she questions and contemplates the decision but eventually decides hell (she feels as though she doesn’t deserve happiness).

The lights go black as soon as she has made her choice. She ends out waking up in this abandoned car park, it seems dark and dangerous. A man walks up to her saying “Finally someone! A friend!”. He introduces himself as Lucifer ‘Lu’ for short and welcomes her to Hell. He takes her to his home and reveals secrets about the afterlife (how you have a choice on where you go, but people always choose heaven due to the stories they hear when they are alive)

Our lead character (name still to be decided) is the first person to choose Hell in a millennia.  The secret of why she killed herself still lingers, she is constantly having nightmares, jumps at everything, she isn’t fully there so to say. She cannot truly find peace until she has released herself of the burden- by talking about what happened. It’s a tale of finding peace not of forgiveness and learning that life can become better and that death shouldn’t be an option.

Lu and the girl build a platonic relationship.

Once our lead girl has finally opened up to Lu; Lu is able to start showing her what life could have been like if she didn’t kill herself and shows her all the different routes she could have taken, such as talking to people.

But this leaves the girl regretting her decision and this is where Lu reveals that he could turn back time to the very afternoon where she kills herself and give the girl a second chance. The girl accepts, she is crying and terrified but Lu gently grabs her chin, wipes away her tears and tells her that it is going to be hard but it will get better.

We replay the start of the film but this time instead of running the bath and killing herself she sits and waits for her mum to come in and tells her everything. They cry and embrace each other.

Cross dissolve to symbolise time passing.

The film finishes on the girl living a happy life, the camera pans around to see Lu sitting there smiling.

Blank Screen. Roll credits.

Girl’s Reason for Dying:

  • She was a rape victim, it made her hate herself and her body, it made her feel worthless and terrified.
  • She has depression and feels as though there is no reason to wake up in the morning, she feels worthless.
  • She feels like she has no purpose in life so what’s the point, she sees herself as pointless.

Girl’s Name Ideas:

  • Mallory – unlucky
  • Ebony- dark strength (beauty)
  • Deidre means sorrow or broken-hearted

Found on Pinterest

Scene 1:

Through out this scene where it seems appropriate play this crow counting rhyme. On the final shot of her dead in the bath say “and Seven for a secret never to be told”

We start off following a girl walking off a bus to her home after a long day at college. She unlocks her door and walks into her house, calls “hello” but no one replies- the house is empty. She walks to the kitchen where she empties her lunch box and rinses out her water bottle. Once finished she grabs her bag and walks up to her room where she dumps her bag to the side and hangs up her coat. Pulls off her lanyard and places it on her desk- close up of the name badge so that we find out her name. Then she walks into the bathroom and makes herself a bath. She looks at herself in the mirror and frowns, she starts pulling her face implying she doesn’t like the way it looks. She walks back to her bedroom and grabs a Swiss army knife, her phone and Bluetooth speaker. Walking back to the bathroom she turns on her phone and speaker and starts blasting out some music. She closes the door but hesitates to lock it. She walks slowly over to the bath- camera concentrates on one footstep at a time, heartbeat sounds in time to the footsteps, speaker music become muffled. She turns off the tap and gets into the bath fully clothed. She rolls up her sleeves. Opens the knife. Breathes. She cuts herself down both arms but the camera is focused on her face which is in pain, very pale and she is sweaty with nerves. Then the camera sees some artistic shots of the blood contaminating the water. Close up of girls face her eyes are closed and she is clearly dead. Long shot of the her in the bath the water might as well be blood.

Here is some inspiration from ’13 Reasons Why’

Found on Pinterest

Scene 2:

Cross dissolves to Girl sitting in a black room with a spotlight. Focus on the light and notice the whole room is black you cannot see anyone in there with her, but suddenly you hear a voice asking Heaven or hell.

We switch between 3 shots after this 2 profile shots from either side and a front shot of her face. She questions the questioner, once she gets no reply she answers that she does not deserve happiness and must be sent to hell. As soon as she says hell the lights cut out.

Scene 3:


Title Ideas:

  • Death is not liable


FMP Idea #1

Basic Story:

A girl lives in a house with an abusive father. It starts off with her waking up every morning to shouting and coming home to a slap on the face, finishing with her going to bed. We replay this very quickly a few times to get across she has a dull but violent life. At the beginning of each day there’s a title saying what day it is. Her alarm is on her phone and each alarm should have a different title such as college, work, cinema etc…

(Morning montage slows at this point) The morning starts off the same as usual: alarm goes off she can hear her parents fighting, she rolls out of bed, gets dressed, makes breakfast, leaves the house, gets into her car. As she’s driving the GPS commands “STOP!” she slams on her breaks alarmed by this. Then the GPS says: “It’s time you discovered the truth. In 400 yards, turn left”. She drives into this woodland area where a young man is waiting for her. She leaves her car running but gets out and leaves the door open. The guy says “Welcome (enter girls name here) you’re late follow me”. She turns off the car, closes the door and locks it and follows him cautiously.

She has been summoned to an assassins guild where she starts training as an assassin. They chose her because they saw that she’s had a hard life but still has a spark of life in her.

She falls in love with a fellow assassin and they get sent on missions together, they become partners in crime.

She goes out on a few simple missions where she is successful she seems fairly good at this new occupation. There’s an ally scene, car park scene- lots of action.

One day they get given a big mission where they have to kill an important person (details revealed about this person during  a briefing).

They get to the night of the mission and everything goes horribly wrong. The lead characters lover gets killed and she becomes so angry and grief stricken that she blows up and kills the target.

She completes the mission but she comes out completely ruined she turns insane and the assassins guild have to imprison her. The film finishes with her in a cell screaming.



Repeated loop of person waking up in the morning and their basic day, monotonous. Maybe the leads family is abusive as this would create a cause for becoming an assassin and have a lead to the final goal.

the better life is learning to become an assassin maybe

This is the main story line I want to use. This is where it all starts off.



This is some dialogue that I think would be funny to use because I think I want to make the lead start training to be an assassin.




This would be an effective way to start and finish the film and would create a circular structure.