Research in the Science Museum

On Tuesday the 10th of April Fin and I went to the science museum to do research for out separate FMP’s. I wanted to take a closer look into drugs and issues in today’s world. I also wanted to research other types of finite resources and how the world currently copes with them.

The first piece of information I found was about fossil fuels such as gas, coal and oil. We already have renewable energy sources such as solar and wind that can partially replace fossil fuels however they are intermittent and unreliable. Solar- the sun isn’t always out, especially in the UK! The same for wind, for wind to produce power the speed has to be just right; too high speed wind and energy isn’t produced and too little won’t even turn the turbine.

I have done research into finite resources because I believe it is interesting to see how humans solve problems. It also relates to my FMP because the narrative is based on water becoming a finite source.

The next thing that I found out and could take into consideration for my FMP is the climate change issue and how the world is over coming this dire situation. Again the solution is to use renewable energy sources and change cars to electric. The problem is is that technology needs to advance more for things like electric cars to become more reliable. There is also this thing called geo-engineering, which means blocking out the sunlight to help cool the earth, personally I think this idea is bad because what will happen to plants that need sun light to photosynthesis.

I added this piece of research into my findings to show that not all solutions are the best and only solution, just like in my FMP where the water supplement tablets keep humans hydrated but also cause hallucinations and side effects.

This picture is all about current legal drugs that can have side effects. Antibiotics are given out regularly to people with infections etc. However antibiotics are starting to not work as human bodies are starting to build a resistance to the drugs.

I did this research to show that it is likely for legal drugs to be given even with serious side effects. This relates to my water supplement pill causing side effects.

The following pictures are just pictures that I thought I could take inspiration from and somehow recreate in my film. Due to this there isn’t any more research in the rest of this post. So I would quickly like to note that my next steps are to research into the side effects of illegal drugs, I want to do this because I think I want to replicate these side effects in the aesthetic of my film.

This picture is of a wall with writing and white LEDs on the wall. I thought it looked quite scientific and could fit in with the look of my FMP.



I took this shot of Fin from behind with a low light because I think I want to keep the face of my protagonist a mystery to create suspense in my film. I also want a lot of low lit shots to connote the tone of the film.

I liked this shot as on the mirror you can see multi coloured oil slick look that looks quite psychedelic. This could be another take on drug side effects that I might like to take into my filming.

I always like this fully blurred pictures I personally think they look quite artsy so expect to see at least one shot like this or maybe i’ll link it to a pull focus shot.


I saw this light illuminating a sign and I got this shot I also think it has a futuristic vibe to it which is why I took it. I think it is really interesting how you can find sci-fi looking things in everyday life.






I took this shot as I want to do some blurred background shots. I also like how the lights are colourful beacons in the background.


I really like how the light reflects off of the glass and creates mini rainbows.



Abandoned Building Recci

For my film I want to do some filming in abandoned buildings. In East Grinstead there is this abandoned, derelict office that my friend Sam has been to before, so I asked if he could take me there. My friend Esther also came along as she likes photography and wanted to get some “edgy” pictures. So… getting into this place is mildly illegal but to be fair the gate was only locked with a bolt which easily slid to the side and the front door wasn’t even locked so it’s not like it was difficult to get in. Also as long as we don’t damage anything it is fine!

One thing is that these places have a lot of health and safety hazards as there is broken glass everywhere, litter on the floor. You will see examples of this in the pictures.

Another thing is that water can get into the building really easily and on one floor there was a large puddle. My film is about water being a limited source so if there is a large puddle of water in shot it will ruin the story of the film.

Another thing is that it’s quite dark in the office so I would need lights for filming which isn’t too difficult and would be an interesting opportunity to start playing with colour filters.

Tate Modern

On Wednesday the 21st of March we went to the Tate Modern to get inspiration for our FMP’s. I have an idea for my FMP (FMP Idea #2) so I looked for things that inspired me based on this idea.

 This room seemed somber and stood out for me it reminded me of a scene I did in my ‘this is me’.




This room was my favourite these are radios all turned on at the same time and the mash up of all the sound is amazing yet overwhelming.






This piece of art made me think of two different paths, and like my idea the girl has to choose between heaven and hell.



This picture made me think of suffering and pain which I think could be the change in my characters perspective.



Here are some pictures I took they don’t relate to my FMP but Im gonna put them here anyway!!!