Final Story Board

Here is my final story board. During my this is me project I spent too much time drawing my pictures so this time I photographed my little brother in the positions I wanted my characters to be in. It didn’t matter too much that they weren’t taken in the exact locations I just needed a basic idea for the look of each frame. Once I had taken all the pictures I did the dull task of making them look like drawings in Powerpoint. This step isn’t really necessary but I liked the way it looked. Taking these pictures cut down my story boarding time by hours. Also if I had drawn all 40 something of these shots I would have got very board.

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Rough Story Board

Elena and I had a one to one talk about my production plan and this is when we started briefly story boarding it to get an idea of a beginning middle and end. Conor, who was sitting near us at that time also started contributing and this extra contribution helped me to broaden my ideas. Sometimes you have to accept that your own ideas aren’t the best possible ideas and the help of others will help you make an even better piece of work.

Elena also introduced me to putting my sound ideas down the right side of the story board, I think when I make my fully detailed story board this will help me massively in the editing stages and will prevent me from forgetting small yet important details.

This board is just a rough layout so that my scripting process goes smoothly I will make a more detailed version later on.

ScanScan 1Scan 2Scan 3Scan 4Scan 5

Snow Day

Nathan being a poser!
The wilderness!
Nathan still being a poser.

On Tuesday the 27th of February 2018 the UK was hit by storm Emma which has lead to some of the worst snowfall in 50 years. As the UK doesn’t get snow enough we always get into a wreck and the world comes to a halt! Therefore on Tuesday and Wednesday morning my buses were cancelled and so were most of the trains. Side note, my buses did start up again later on in the day but if I risked getting on one I could have quite possibly died as a double decker 410 bus tipped over. Frankly I see the safer option of staying at home and ruining my perfect attendance far more appealing than risking my life. At least I did work at home. Right?

Yep! You guessed is Nathan is a poser!
Fin has no regard for my pictures! I’m joking!

After doing some work at home I needed a break anddddd the  snow was calling me, so we went out into the cold. The original plan was to go to Pains Hill to take Nathan (my little brother) sledging but as you can see in the pictures it started snowing quite heavily, this caused us to become human icicles and Fin and I wear glasses which meant we basically blind as the lenses were covered so we just took them off. Due to this Nathan didn’t get to sledge but I did get some pictures. The snow almost drenched Christian (my camera) but don’t worry he survived!!!






Snow angels… In the middle of a road
More snow angels
Oh Nathan!
Fin questioning why I must take pictures of him
This snow flake had to fall at the wrong time!
Fin trying to ignore me
Nathan yet again posing! But look at that lens blur
Fin finally smiles 🙂
Time to go home
Fin being majestic as per usual
Fin telling me to stop taking pictures and to hurry the f**k up
The train line, pull focus 1
The train line, pull focus 2

Improving My Scripts

At the first review of my script Elena told me that I shout be clicking the specific settings on Celtx so that the layout of my script is set out professionally. So using the rough draft of the script I started re-arranging it and got all the information for the dialogue parts sorted.

On the second review I had Fay look at my script to see what needs improving we spoke about how I go straight into dialogue and don’t build up the story especially for my horror script, it left the audience questioning what was going on and why there’s this girl having a conversation with stuffed toy. So we decided that if we had a narrative at the beginning to build up the story it would make sense, this is where I decided that the bear is going to kill the girls boyfriend. This adds more impact for the horror genre, whilst answering all the questions the audience has about why the girl is in the mental asylum hospital and why she is talking to the bear.