Final Story Board

Here is my final story board. During my this is me project I spent too much time drawing my pictures so this time I photographed my little brother in the positions I wanted my characters to be in. It didn’t matter too much that they weren’t taken in the exact locations I just needed a basic idea for the look of each frame. Once I had taken all the pictures I did the dull task of making them look like drawings in Powerpoint. This step isn’t really necessary but I liked the way it looked. Taking these pictures cut down my story boarding time by hours. Also if I had drawn all 40 something of these shots I would have got very board.

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Rough Story Board

Elena and I had a one to one talk about my production plan and this is when we started briefly story boarding it to get an idea of a beginning middle and end. Conor, who was sitting near us at that time also started contributing and this extra contribution helped me to broaden my ideas. Sometimes you have to accept that your own ideas aren’t the best possible ideas and the help of others will help you make an even better piece of work.

Elena also introduced me to putting my sound ideas down the right side of the story board, I think when I make my fully detailed story board this will help me massively in the editing stages and will prevent me from forgetting small yet important details.

This board is just a rough layout so that my scripting process goes smoothly I will make a more detailed version later on.

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